Hey guys ! How are you all doing ? Happy Autumn and Fall .
I must say that autumn is one of my favorite season of the year ,maybe because ,most importante of all it's my birthday ? i don't know, i think i thas also to do that i like the transition of summer into fall rather then fall into summer.
What i love about fall , is the fashion !i really like to wears warm coats , beanies ( OMG Beanies! must have! ) , Hot starbucks drinks , ( Mocha praline , or mocha cranberry pralina , whatever it is ! ) boots ! ( i like to wear boots) i like lighting my candles ,sleeping at the sound of the rain , making fire at nights , Halloween ! , Christmas , Thanksgiving and all other cool celebrations. and most of all beingwith the familly !
(more posts are about to come;)i promise to be more ponctual and not make you wait another 2 moths before posting something new ! )
Hope you guys liked it :)
xxQueenbee96 <3